Hi Lowes!

After I posted the Outfit Ideas for Christmas, I think it's only complete if I also share my makeup idea for Christmas time. So, here it is. 

You will need eyeshadows in light green color, dark green color and gold.
  1. Take the light green color (number 1) and apply it all over your lid
  2. Take the dark green color (number 2) and apply it on your outer v 
  3. Use the same dark green color (number 2) to line your eyes
  4. Take the gold color (number 3) and put it on your inner tear duct
  5. Blend all the colors and complete your look with black eyeliner and mascara.Voila! Your Green Christmas Makeup is done! :D 
Blend every color nicely so there is no harsh lines ;)
If you dare to use red lipstick, this look will be more vibrant and festive!

How will you wear your makeup for Christmas time? :)


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